Rosewood Miracle Workers AKTION Club is hosting the 9th Annual “Hippity Hop Easter Basket Workshop” on April 12 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Rosewood Activity Center, 1607 Main Street, Great Bend, adjacent to Rosewood Gallery.
During the workshop, children can create their own Easter baskets, decorate Easter eggs, and participate in other fun activities, like coloring Easter pages. The Easter Bunny will make a special appearance, and children can take photos with him. Families have the option of taking free cell phone photos, or pay $3 to receive a printed photo with the Easter Bunny.
Beyond an exciting meet-up with the Easter Bunny, Rosewood AKTION Club sponsor Frankie Pelster said club members are working on an extra surprise for children to add to the already-fun event.
There is a donation request of $5 per basket for participants, which helps cover the cost of materials for the workshop. Any other proceeds raised from the workshop go toward Rosewood AKTION Club efforts in organizing future community projects.
“Easter Basket Workshop is always such an exciting time for our AKTION Club members because they get to prepare a special day that brings so much joy to children in the community,” said Frankie Pelster. “It’s always an eventful day when children get to spend time with the Easter Bunny. We’re looking forward to hosting this year’s event.”
Rosewood AKTION Club is an affiliate of the national Kiwanis organization that promotes service in action for people with developmental disabilities. The area club allows Rosewood clients to be actively involved in the community and to positively impact the lives of others.
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For more information, contact Frankie Pelster, Rosewood AKTION Club sponsor,, 620-796-2242.
March 13, 2025
Story by: Michael Dawes, director of PR, Rosewood Services, 620-792-2536,