(620) 793-5888

Employment Training Program

Click to learn about Social Security's Ticket to Work Information

Job Coaching and Vocational Services

Rosewood's Day Vocational Services offer an array of vocational training, assistance and support services uniquely suited to each individual. Housed throughout the Rosewood grounds, these facilities include:

Rosewood clients are a valuable resource for the community and the community is likewise a valuable resource for our clients.


Horse Ranch
Rosewood Horse Ranch is nestled in nearly 1,000 acres of rolling plains in central Kansas. A full-working horse ranch, it is home to Rosewood’s Therapeutic Riding program and provides a special place for employment and education. Individuals care for horses at Rosewood's Equine Therapy Ranch; tend cattle; harvest honey; maintain orchards and vineyards and the Ranch grounds.


Help to produce more than 20 varieties of sweet and dry wine in the only Winery dedicated to providing employment opportunities to people with developmental disabilities in the United States. Our wine distributed across central Kansas and sold at Rosewood retail store.


Studio Arts
Create soaps, bath products, candles, horsehair pottery and other products that are sold to the public at Rosewood’s retail store.


Industrial Kitchen
Make jellies, salsa, candy, bread and crackers that are sold to the public at Rosewood’s retail store.


Furniture Gallery
Sand, stain, varnish and assemble high quality, solid-wood furniture for retail sale


Greenhouse and Gardens
Tend to growing tomatoes and jalapeños year-round at Rosewood’s Greenhouse and Gardens. Produce is used at Rosewood’s Industrial Kitchen and sold to restaurants and the public.


Clerical Assistants
Clients provide valuable assistance to employers in capacities such as paper shredding, photocopying, and other light clerical responsibilities. Rosewood clients also receive training in basic computer skills to enhance their employment and lifestyle.


Lawn Care & Cleaning Crews
Many Rosewood clients work on teams throughout the community taking care of lawns and other maintenance duties. These individuals take special pride in their responsibilities as they assist in maintaining neat, clean and attractive homes and businesses.

The Outback

This Sheltered Workshop setting is the site of our Vocational Rehabilitation and Job Coaching Department. A vocational instructor teaches daily living activities in a classroom setting to help clients learn and retain the skills needed to live and work as independently as possible.

Community Employment and the Vocational Rehabilitation Program

When a person comes to a point in their life where they want to pursue employment in the community at Rosewood Services, they make a request to their Case Manager and the Case Manager instructs the Employment Specialist to pursue the opportunity.

The instructions may be to start the vocational rehabilitation application or to begin mentoring the individual for the goal of obtaining employment as a long-term goal. All individuals who are seeking employment must actively participate in the Work Place Readiness Curriculum. This is a 10-14 week program that teaches the expectations of employers and the norms of behavior in a work environment.

Individuals who are accepted into the Vocational Rehabilitation Program will be placed into one of two categories:

Job Prep
Individuals placed in this category spend time learning how to fill out applications, how to participate in an interview and all of the items taught in Work Place Readiness class.

Job Search
Members are placed in this category when they are actively searching for a job in the community. When individuals are in Job Search, they are generally placed into the work force of the Winery. This location is a close replica to the businesses in the area, as far as managed break times, reporting to a supervisor when sick or requesting days off. The individuals can be observed in the work environment and lessons to the areas that they are weak in, can be taught. Upon being hired in the community, a person can request a job coach to assist them with the new hire paper work, and learning the tasks that they will be performing.

Rosewood Furniture Gallery, Lawn Crew, Studio, Outback, and Greenhouse and Gardens are also utilized for observance purposes when a person has requested a VR case to be opened. This allows for specific job training development in a learning and training environment to prepare a person for community employment possibilities.

Our Greater Purpose

Our employment training program is just a small part of Our Greater Purpose of providing people with developmental disabilities the opportunity for independence and inclusion.

Call us at (620) 603-6502 or reach out to Rosewood if you or a loved one is interested in our Vocational Rehabilitation Program!

Ticket To Work Program

What is the Ticket to Work Program?

Social Security’s Ticket to Work program supports career development for Social Security disability beneficiaries age 18 through 64 who want to work. The Ticket program is free and voluntary. The Ticket program helps people with disabilities progress toward financial independence.


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Our Greater Purpose