(620) 793-5888


Rosewood AKTION Club Coloring Book Drive Runs Through November

Rosewood Miracle Workers AKTION Club is currently conducting a coloring book and crayon drive to benefit children within the community. The drive will end at the end of this month and afterward, the donated items will be given to the St. Francis Community Services and Central Kansas Dream Center, both located in Great Bend.

Artwork: Rosewood crayon drive photo with AKTION Club logo

“We’ve been conducting the drive for a few months now, and are making a concerted effort to end this community project on a strong note,” said Rosewood AKTION Club sponsor Frankie Pelster. “Any donations for these items are sincerely appreciated by me and the more than 30 members who participate in our AKTION Club. They take so much pride in being able to help in the community, and they are already excited about the next step of giving the items to be enjoyed by children.”

People can drop off coloring book and crayon donations at three locations in Great Bend: Rosewood Furniture Gallery, 1607 Main; and Rosewood Employment Network Office, 1105 Main, Suite A; and Rosewood Services Administration Office, 384 N. Washington.

Rosewood AKTION Club is an affiliate of the national Kiwanis organization that promotes service in action for people with developmental disabilities. The area club allows Rosewood clients to be actively involved in the community and to positively impact the lives of others.


Find more about Rosewood Services online:

For more information, contact Frankie Pelster, Rosewood AKTION Club sponsor,, 620-603-6502

Nov. 17, 2016
Story by: Michael Dawes, director of Marketing, Rosewood Services, 620-796-2242,