(620) 793-5888


Rosewood Riders Open Horse Show Season in Lyons

A dozen riders from Rosewood Services began the horse-show season by competing June 20 and 21 at the South Central Stock Horse Association (SCSHA) horse show at the Celebration Center in Lyons.

It was a strong outing for the group, as they recorded more than 31 top-three finishes, including 11 first-place ribbons.

“Our riders performed really well from beginning to end,” explained Rosewood Ranch manager Eric Hammond. “It was a great start to our horse show season. They are all excited to compete again.”

Ready to Ride – Rosewood horse show participant Josh Trimmer prepares to enter the Celebration Center in Lyons during the group’s first horse show performance of the season. Trimmer was among a dozen Rosewood horse riders to participate in the SCSHA horse show in late June.

Leading the way on June 20 for Rosewood’s riders in the Independent category was Josh Trimmer who earned first-place ribbons in Showmanship and in Horsemanship. With double-judging, teammates Mary Minear and Krystal Thorne each earned a first-place ribbon in Trail Riding.

Competing on the second day, Rosewoods’ Charles Bortz earned first place in Showmanship and in Trail Riding. Teammate Shaun Ledesma earned the top spot in Horsemanship among Independent riders. Crystal Alkire won in Trail Riding for Supported riders, while teammate Jesse Kern placed first in Horsemanship in the Supported riders category.

Other riders competing for Rosewood were Tim Barry, Chris Devine, Rae Griffin, Jaime Crone and Jimmy Wonsetler. 

Next on the schedule, the riders will compete July 26 and 27 at the Hutchinson State Fair Grounds. All riders are working toward honing their skills to compete in mid-August at the National Snaffle Bit Association World Championship Show in Tulsa.

Rosewood’s show competitors train weekly at Rosewood Ranch, a full-working horse ranch near Pawnee Rock. The Ranch serves nearly 90 adults and children with developmental disabilities who receive services from Rosewood.

Rosewood Results from SCSHA Horse Show,  Lyons, KS June 20-21, 2014

June 20, 2014 – (double judged accounts for placing twice in the same category)
Josh Trimmer: 1st place (two ribbons)/Showmanship, 1st place (two ribbons)/Horsemanship, 4th and 6th places/Trail

Mary Minear: 2nd and 4th places/Showmanship, 4th and 5th places/Horsemanship, 1st and 2nd places/Trail

Tim Barry: 2nd and 3rd places/Showmanship, 3rd place (two ribbons)/Horsemanship, 3rd and 6th places/Trail

Krystal Thorne: 3rd and 4th places/Showmanship, 4th and 6th places/Horsemanship, 1st and 5th places/Trail

Chris Devine: 5th place (two ribbons)/Showmanship, 5th and 6th places/Horsemanship, 4th and 6th places/Trail

Jaime Crone: 2nd place (two ribbons)/Horsemanship, 2nd and 3rd places/Trail

June 21, 2014 –
Charles Bortz: 1st place/Showmanship, 2nd place/Horsemanship, 1st place/Trail

Jimmy Wonsetler: 2nd place/Showmanship, 4th place/Horsemanship, 2nd place/Trail

Rae Griffin: 3rd place/Showmanship, 3rd place/Horsemanship, 3rd place/Trail

Shawn Ledesma: 6th place/Showmanship, 1st place/Horsemanship, 4th place/Trail

Crystal Alkire: 4th place/Showmanship, 2nd place/Horsemanship Supported, 1st place/Trail Supported

Jesse Kern: 5th place/Showmanship, 1st place/Horsemanship Supported, 2nd place/Trail Supported


July 7, 2014
Story by: Michael Dawes, Marketing Director, Rosewood Services, 620-603-6502,