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Rep. Bethell a ‘Guardian Angel’ to People with Developmental Disabilities

State Rep. Bob Bethell speaks at Rosewood Servies Inc.

Written in remembrance of Bob Behtell - May 23, 2012

The tragic loss of Kansas Rep. Bob Bethell on May 20, 2012 is felt by many in Kansas and especially by those in the 113th district where he served for 13 years. We at Rosewood Services Inc. had a remarkably close relationship with Rep. Bethell and we owe many of our successes to his willingness to listen, care and then act on behalf of people with developmental disabilities.

We referred to Bob as our friend and guardian angel because he was a staunch supporter of Rosewood Services in furthering opportunities for our clients. He was instrumental in helping to bring forward legislation that has positively affected those with disabilities. He was a frequent guest at Rosewood’s events, including our annual rodeo. Last May, Bob participated in the dedication of our Memorial Garden to honor our departed clients. His message to the audience included the following words:

“In my life, I experience the gift of love from those who often are invisible to others. We know that those with disabilities are often overlooked or not even seen by those considered normal. Yet, it is an opportunity for those of us who interact with the disabled to learn about real love, acceptance, appreciation and gratitude.”

Rep. Bethel was the epitome of those traits: Love, Acceptance, Appreciation and Gratitude. He is truly missed by each one of us at Rosewood, who experienced his caring nature firsthand. Because of his immense impact on Rosewood Services, Bob will remain close to us in our minds and in our hearts.

We extend our sincere condolences to Lorene, his wife, and the Bethell family during this sad time. The solace we can share is that Bob now rests in heavenly peace, while the goodness he created on earth will be felt by many for years to come.


Tammy Hammond
Executive Director, Rosewood Services Inc.