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Rosewood Services Takes Silver at American Business Award

A progressive year in business to expand employment opportunities for people with developmental disabilities earned Rosewood Services a place on the national stage among other businesses from around the country. Rosewood Services was named the Silver Award recipient last summer as “Company of the Year” at the 11th Annual American Business Awards in the category of Diversified Services.

In the category, Grand Canyon University won the Gold “Stevie” Award, followed by Rosewood Services. There were three Bronze Award winners in the category: Lifelock, K-12 Inc., and M&E Painting. The award presentation took place in Chicago on June 17. 

Stevie Award finalists were determined by the average scores of more than 140 executives during five weeks of judging in April and May. Using a judging system, all entries that received an average score of at least 7 out of 10 points in the preliminary round moved on as finalists. More than 250 executives determined final award placements among the finalists and those weren’t announced until the American Business Awards presentation at Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park Hotel.  

Nearly 220 businesses and organizations were competing in 46 business categories for the top Stevie Awards in 2013. According to information by the ABA, there were more than 3,200 nominations submitted, which was a record number of nominations.

While Rosewood Services shared the event with many of the nation’s top businesses, including household names such as Proctor and Gamble, Marriott, NFL, and NASCAR, it’s the experiences on the Rosewood home-front, which are the most significant for Rosewood Services executive director and founder Tammy Hammond.

“Winning a national award is amazing,” she said, “but the excitement for me comes from looking back on what we actually accomplished to be considered for the award. People with disabilities have innovative opportunities available to them well into our future because of the dedication and hard work of all involved with our agency.”

More information about the American Business Awards presentation can be accessed at