Longtime Quality Service - Pictured are 10 Rosewood Services employees who attended Rosewood’s employee Christmas party last month and received their service award plaques. Top, left to right: 20-Years: Vickie Booze; 15-Years: Amanda Hammond, Mary Mull, Kathy Delimont; 10 Years: Lori Brainerd; Bottom, 5 Years: Dana Turner, Brian Vsetecka, Lita Schultz, Martesia Tyus, and Sharon Bautista.
Sixteen Rosewood Services employees achieved milestone work anniversaries in 2020 and they were recognized at the end of the year. They represent a total of 155 years of service.
Rosewood Services case manager Vickie Booze achieved 20 years of service. Reaching 15 years of service were Kathy Delimont, Kenneth Kowalsky, and Mary Mull from Residential Department, along with Amanda Hammond, Rosewood’s Director of Services. Achieving 10-year awards were Lori Brainerd and James Underwood from Residential Department, along with Juan Bodine and Cynthia Levingston from Day Services. Five-year employees recognized were Residential employees Sharon Bautista, Caroline Muiruri, Brianne Saunders and Martesia Tyus, Day Service employees Lita Schultz and Brian Vsetecka, and Wine Cellar Manager Dana Turner.
“I am thankful for these long-term employees; they are so important to the ongoing growth and quality of our agency,” said Rosewood Services Executive Director Tammy Hammond. “Each one of these valued employees represents a unique and daily connection to the people with developmental disabilities, we are privileged to serve. These employees have displayed ongoing professionalism and dedication, and have successfully met many challenges through the years, especially this past year in dealing with a pandemic. I’m honored that they continue to be an important part of our Rosewood team.”
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For more information, contact Michael Dawes, Rosewood director of public relations, michaeld@rosewoodservices.com, 620-792-2536
January 14, 2021
Story by: Michael Dawes, Rosewood PR Director, 620-792-2536