Great Bend resident Derrick Pitzer is making the most of his young adult life. He has not allowed his lifelong developmental disability to curb his ambitions....
Read full articleA Tribute to Rosewood employee Christy Smith, who passed away Feb. 22, 2014 In an average lifetime, typically we meet just a handful of people who stand...
Read full articleFor the second consecutive year, Rosewood Winery has come home a winner from the Kansas Grape Growers and Winemakers Association Conference. The 28th Annual...
Read full articleEisenhower Elementary School fifth-grade-student Joseph Ragan received a fun surprise on Jan. 13. He was named winner of the month in the D.A.R.E. program’s...
Read full articleThirteen Rosewood Services employees were recognized for their years of service recently, including six employees who have been with the agency since its...
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